Номинация "Клуб лингвистов"
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22.07.2007 14:46:13People have always been in need of contact. Автор Юрьева МаринаPeople have always been in need of contact. They associate with each other with the help of words. Every day we say a lot of different words. Some of them are very important others are stupid. They can change the world or do nothing. A word is of a great importance. And from the old times it has had an immense influence on people. There are lots of examples in history when only one word could encourage the army to win the battle and save the country.
22.07.2007 14:33:03Seek out people conversation. Автор Анастасия ГолубенкоNowadays we talk a lot about the standards of life. Communication is one of its components. That is why I think it is reasonable to talk about the character of our communication with somebody or even a book. A modern pulse of our life imposes selectivity on reading and communication with other people. So we are trying to “seek out people conversation with whom is worth a good booh and look for books, which are worth talking with a philosopher“.
22.07.2007 14:36:32Seek out people conversation. Автор Евстигнеева ЕвгенияNowadays we can’t imagine our life without books. Perhaps, there are more books on our planet than men alive. I enjoy reading books and often go to the library. A great member of volumes fills the shelves. I find there books of adventure stories, historical novels and tales that open us panoramas of life and history of other courtiers, psychological novels, collections of short stories, poems, the immortal classics. Sometimes I buy books or take them from my friends.
22.07.2007 14:42:21Seek out people conversation. Автор Юрьева МаринаNowadays in the XXI century we live in a perfect world. We have practically everything we need but our mind is insatiable. We try to learn the riddles of nature, the mysteries of the Universe. Even the ancient people wanted to realize different processions held around them. They didn’t understand why water tuned into ice, why birds fly, why the weather could be changeable. However people have always tried to learn it, they have explored lands, studied and developed their mind.